Sadhana Sadan – A place for true hermits
Swami Nachiketananda Puri, December 15, 2013

It was my loving child Mataji who always wanted to have a traditional Sannyasa Diksha for proper functioning of the organization and I was always ready for everything that can shape, mould and transform the society. So I accepted this simple yet more important dimension of life and set for Haridwar, the place of Sadhus and Sannyasis. They say one will be tested in Shastras at Varanasi but after visiting Haridwar, I felt that for Sannyasis this is the place where one gets tested at every step.
The moment we stepped into Haridwar we were welcomed by many Sannyasis from different walks of life. Sri Dashanam Sannyasa Ashram not only provided the best accommodation but also accommodated us with motherly warmth. Swami Ramananda Giri was very compassionate and was very concerned about people who were entering into the spiritual fraternity. He is the soul under whose impulsive guidance we could meet another great soul fondly called Swami Vishvatmanandaji Maharaj, a renowned Sannyasi, an acknowledged intellectual, and an authority on Vedanta, a humanitarian, great companion, a philanthropist and above all one who is an ardent Vedantist and has established himself into self-enquiry firmly and is well known to the traditional world.
It was inspiring and enlightening to have his Satsanga for those few days of stay in Sadhana Sadan. The atmosphere was charged with Poojas and charities. He hardly had any time to interact personally but those who were inmates and had come little earlier had an opportunity to spend quality time with this great soul and get inspired.
What inspired me to a great extent was that a soul of such great caliber had set a set of simple guidelines wherein one can choose his/her own name, a Guru and even for that matter a Mantra as well. I always have had my conviction that Sannyasa can neither be given nor taken. It is an inner calling, an urge to get united with higher things, an expression of a bleeding heart and a crying soul. When one feels oneness with everything, it is true Sannyasa. I felt the same kind of energy when I
entered into that Ashram.

I owe much to Sadhana Sadan for considering me as a part of this divine play and am really indebted to the management for providing me such a wonderful platform where freedom is considered as the highest dimension of life. Many have taken Sannyasa Diksha from Sadhana Sadan where Swami Vishvatmananda played the role of Guru and at other times that of an Acharya. Therefore my heart goes to him for setting such a wonderful tradition and bringing many people into his spiritual fold. He will remain in my heart forever.
In Sadhana Sadan, Sannyasa Diksha is given as per your choice. This is the right place for those who are eager to hug spiritual life but are sometimes unable to do so due to numerous barriers of time or caste or creed or religion. Moreover the Ashram is accepted by the traditional world as well.
I request sincere Sadhakas to visit Sadhana Sadan and get a feeling of the Ashram. Please arrange a personal meeting with Swami Vish-vatmananda to know in depth whether you are ready for another dimension of life or not. He is one of the best mentors whom I ever met in my 49 years long journey into spirituality. I salute this soul from the bottom of my heart and feel always indebted to him for rendering such a wonderful service without having an expectation that the Sannyasis should serve his Ashram. My heart goes to such souls and organizations for considering that each one is potentially divine and is qualified to take Sannyasa. Therefore the step that is taken by Sadhana Sadan under Swami Vishvatmananda’s expert and spiritual guidance deserves more accolades and recognition than the institutes who are confined in their own boundaries.
Traditional Sannyasa Diksha is given every year on the day of Maha Shivaratri.
Sadhana Sadan,
Mayapur, Haridwar. Uttaranchal. 249401
Ph. No. 01334 240604
Sannyasa is of two kinds: external and internal.
External Sannyasa comes from a Guru, tradition or Satsanga whereas internal Sannyasa springs from within.
When we take Sannyasa from external source, we are prone to create boundaries around us. But when internal Sannyasa takes place, the boundaries get destroyed and then
nothing can bind the soul.
External Sannyasa demands and commands whereas
internal Sannyasa obeys and accepts.

– Swami Nachiketananda Puri